We get success when our clients get success.
Neevo Consulting – business consultants in UAE, offering business set up services or company formation services in UAE
- Our Location
Sharjah, U.A.E
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+971 6 5587471
Welcome to Neevo FZC
NEEVO FZC: Know Us Better
Mr. Bheesham Punjabi, a B.Com graduate from University of Mumbai, India is the founder of NEEVO FZC. Having an experience of more than 8 years in the field of incorporation of companies and related services to U.A.E. market, Mr. Punjabi has got new thoughts for your business needs. In the past he has worked closely with the companies owned by the Ruling Family Members of Oman and supported them with all the procedures of starting retail stores Read More
Specializes Area
Company Formations Project Management Services
Defining Success
Leading operations consulting companies in Dubai, U.A.E.

Our Practice Areas
Dubai Mainland
When it comes to company formations in Dubai Mainland, we understand it better because of our local knowledge. We adopt an independent approach and handle the management with facts that can help you in decision making.
Free Zones
The most important benefit in setting up in a free zone is that you are entitled to 100% foreign ownership. UAE Free Zones is a part of a selected and restricted land or setting, with a special tax benefit, exemptions of custom duties on imports and exports, generally associating the category of extra-territoriality.
An offshore company as a legal business is used as a vehicle to minimize the tax pays out and shielding the assets from restrictions in the native country. An offshore company would work best if assets are earned in a foreign country over a significant period of time through local channels.
Tax Residency Certiifates
In a period of globalization, businesses have spread across the globe and are not restricted to a single territory. So the term ‘Tax Residency Certificate’ comes into play. In brief, a tax residency certificate states that your company is a resident of a particular country for tax purposes. This is useful when double taxation treaties are there in your country and the UAE or other foreign country.
Accounting and Auditing
Neevo FZC offers you high-rated accounting and auditing professionals who are deeply experienced and highly qualified. Our accounting and auditing experts take the time to understand your business in which you operate and give advice accordingly.
Business Plans and Studies
This is a short description elaborating the service you have mentioned above.
Professional And Experienced
Why Choose Us
When it comes to company formations, we understand better because of our local knowledge.
Client Service
Service drives us. So not only are we there during set-up, even post incorporation services such as reminders, timely renewals of business licenses etc are taken care of, thereby letting you concentrate on your business more.
We have a lot of passion to work with you and for you. Competitive pricing and cost effective solutions and to deliver with quality service is what we look at.
Customized to your needs
Our plans, programs and advice are customized to your requirements, size and budget. We deliver everything you need to start your business.
Call Us 24/7
Have a question or need a custom quote?
Please contact us now for more information concerning our services via email, phone or website. Neevo FZC is more than happy to respond you.
What Our Client's Say
Frank Southbird
Sunspot Networks
Quisque quis nulla eu eros gravida adipiscing. Vestibulum porttitor, orci vestibulum mattis hendrerit, sapien velit tristique nibh, sit amet ullamcorper risus est quis justo. Cras a accumsan metus. Proin quis commodo nibh, ut ornare turpis. In bibendum pulvinar leo, a consectetur nunc blandit pellentesque.
Christian M. Uy
Plan Smart Partner
Sed vitae diam tellus. Donec tincidunt leo diam, tristique rhoncus tellus blandit eget. Nullam iaculis tempus venenatis. Pellentesque commodo eu dolor ac aliquam. Proin bibendum posuere molestie.
Billy Zhao
Sew-Fro Fabrics
Vestibulum ac sapien eu nunc viverra lobortis. Donec cursus massa sapien. Aenean pellentesque risus eget dictum iaculis. Nullam non volutpat eros. Donec sodales luctus luctus. Etiam vitae nulla ut eros pulvinar feugiat eu id odio. -
Mary K. Wilson
Plunkett Home Furnishings
Aliquam sapien diam, consectetur sit amet dolor et, blandit congue justo. Nam et mauris quis tortor rhoncus molestie nec non dolor. Aliquam tempus vestibulum augue, id blandit odio pulvinar at.
Mandy D. Heinen
Simple Solutions
Cras a accumsan metus. Proin quis commodo nibh, ut ornare turpis. In bibendum pulvinar leo, a consectetur nunc blandit pellentesque. ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. -
Richard C. Viera
Vestibulum ac sapien eu nunc viverra lobortis. Donec cursus massa sapien. Aenean pellentesque risus eget dictum iaculis. Nullam non volutpat eros. Donec sodales luctus luctus.